Montag, 29. Mai 2017

We care about Tiger Woods

We share the the message of Mr Sebastian Rühl and care about Tiger Woods.
No, I definitely don't think, that driving a car under the influence of alcohol is even close of being ok.
No, I don't think, that this was the smartest thing Tiger has ever done.
How about putting someone down on social media in sharing his police-pic with friends and in timelines, even resize the image to make it look even worse?
How about writing posts and comments to make Tiger Woods look stupid and as someone who has not achieved anything in life?
Is this way better?
It's scary, how easy it is to put down people, that you do not even know, on social media.
It's scary, that even people like Tiger Woods, that when you stand right in front of him, you probably could not even find the right words to just say "Hi" because you're so nervous, that you might forget your name, but how easy it is to make him look like an idiot on Facebook within 5sec of typing a few letters on your keyboard.
It's scary, that even people from the golf business share his picture and make him look stupid... have you ever thought that we are all, working in the golf-world, probably have a job, because of Tiger and how much he has changed and grew the game that is now a sport?
It's scary, that even 106 victories in professional golf, being 11x player of the year and especially creating so many never forgotten moments, we all have had in front of your TV's, like the one in the picture below, is not enough, to at least get a little bit of respect while being in a tricky time of his life?
Come on, all social media users, I really think we can do better then that?!
(Picture by Getty Images)

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